Psalm 60


Salm 60

A Dhè, do thilg thu sinne uait,
  dh'fhuadaich thu sinn air fad,
Oir bha thu rinn an corraich ghèir;
  till rinn thu fhèin gu grad.

Chuir thus' an talamh trom air chrith;
  is fòs do bhris thu e;
Slànaich a bhriseadh, oir gu beachd
  air criothnachadh tha e.

Do thaisbein thusa nithean cruaidh
  don t-sluagh as leat le còir;
Fìon buaireasach chuir uamhann oirnn,
  thug thusa dhuinn ra òl.

Ach thug thu bratach àrd, a Dhè,
  don dream don eagal thu;
A-chum gun sgaoilte siud a-mach,
  bhrìgh fìrinn dhut le cliù.

O dhaorsa chum gun saorar leat
  do phoball ionmhainn fhèin;
Eisd rium, is slànaich mi gu grad
  led dheaslàimh làidir thrèin.

Na naomhachd labhair Dia nam feart,
  Bidh aoibhneas orm nach gann;
Air Sechem nì me roinn gu ceart,
  gleann Shucoit tòimhsear leam.

'S leam Gilead le dlighe cheirt,
  Manaseh 's leam gu beachd;
'S i treubh Ephraim neart mo chinn,
  bheir Iùdah mach mo reachd.

Is soitheach-ionnlaid Mòab dhomh;
  tilgeam thar Edom thruaigh
Mo bhròg; is nì mi caithreim binn
  thar Palestin le buaidh.

Cò bheir don chathair dhainginn mi,
  's gu Edom bheir gu ceart?
Nach tusa, Dhia, len d'thrèigeadh sinn,
  's nach deachaidh mach ler feachd?

O thrioblaid tabhair còmhnadh dhuinn,
  oir 's dìomhain furtachd dhaoin'.
Tre Dhia nì sinne treubhantas;
  's e shaltras naimhdean fodh'nn.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 60

For the choirmaster. To the tune ‘The lily of the covenant’. In a quiet voice. Of David. To be learnt. When he was at war with Aram-Naharaim and Aram-Zobah, and Joab marched back to destroy twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

You have cast us off, O God, and broken us.
       You have been angry; take us back.
You shook the land and split it open;
       bind up the rifts, for it trembles still.
You have made your people drink a bitter draught;
       you have given us wine that makes us drunk.
You have raised a banner for those who fear you,
       a rallying point beyond range of the bow,
so that they may be saved;
       save us and help us with your right hand.
God has spoken from his sanctuary:
       "I will share out Shechem in triumph,
       and portion up the Vale of Succoth.
       Gilead is mine and Manasseh is mine;
       Ephraim, my helmet; my sceptre, Judah;
       my washbowl, Moab;
       I will make Edom mine;
       I shout in triumph over Philistia."
Who will lead me to the fortified city?
       Who will guide me into Edom?
Only you, who have rejected us.
       You march no more, O God, with our ranks.
Grant us help against the foe,
       for human help is vain.
Through God we shall fight courageously,
       for he will trample down our foes.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))