Psalm 59


Salm 59

Teasairg, is saor mi, O mo Dhia,
  om naimhdean dh'èireas rium.
O luchd an uilc tha fuileachdach,
  dìon mis', is cuidich leam.

Feach 'n aghaidh m'anam' laigh am fàth
  is chruinnich daoine treun;
Chan ann, a Dhia, airson mo lochd,
  no cron a rinn mi fhèin.

A' ruith tha iad, gun chron am thaobh,
  's gu h-ullamh dol air ghleus;
Chum teachd dom fhurtachd mosgail tràth,
  is thoir fa-near am beus.

O Dhè nan sluagh, Dhè Israeil,
  mosgail 's gum fiosraicht' leat
Na cinnich; 's na dèan iochd air neach
  gu h-aingidh bhris do reachd.

Air teachd don fheasgar tillidh iad;
  a' donnalaich gu h-àrd,
Mar choin, mun bhail' a' cuartachadh,
  is amhlaidh sin tha iad.

Feuch, brùchdaidh iad a-mach lem beul;
  nam bilean claidheamh geur;
Cò chluinneas sin, no bheir fa-near?
  's e siud as cainnt dhaibh fhèin.

Ach thusa, Dhia Iehòbhah mhòir,
  nì gàire fanaid riu;
Is mar bhall-magaidh bithidh fòs
  na cinnich ann ad shùil.

Airson gur mòr 's gur math do neart,
  sìor fheitheam ort a-ghnàth;
Do bhrìgh gu bheil dhomh Dia nan dùl
  na dhìdean dlùth gu bràth.

Bidh Dia on tig mo thròcair chaomh
  dol romham air gach ceum;
'S e Dia bheir dhomh air m' eascairdean
  mo rùn gum faic mi fhèin.

Mum bi mo phoball dìochuimhneach,
  na marbh an aitim ud;
O Dhia ar sgiath, sgaoil iad led neart
  is leag gu h-ìosal fodh'd.

Fa lochd an teangaidh, 's cainnt am bèil,
  nan àrdan glacar iad;
Fa chùis nam mallachd, is nam breug
  a labhair iad os àird.

Sgrios iad ad fheirg, sgrios iad gu tur,
  is thèid iad as gu dian;
Is tuigidh 'n sin gach uile thìr,
  rìgh Iàcoib gur e Dia.

'S air teachd don fheasgar tilleadh iad,
  a' donnalaich gu h-àrd,
Mar choin, mun bhail' a' cuartachadh,
  is amhlaidh bitheadh iad,

Ag iarraidh bìdh gu seachranach,
  's gu luaineach ann an teinn;
A' dèanamh gearain anns an oidhch',
  mur bi an sàth nam broinn.

Ach mise, molar leam do neart;
  gu moch a' seinn do ghràis,
Airson gur tu mo thèarmann treun,
  's mo dhaingneach fhèin 's gach càs.

'S tu fhèin mo neart, dhut canam fonn,
  's e Dia mo dhìdean treun;
'S e 'n Dia sin fhèin rinn tròcair orm,
  's a chuidich leam am fheum.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 59

For the choirmaster. Tune: ‘Do not destroy’. Of David. In a quiet voice. When Saul sent men to watch David’s house in order to have him killed.

Deliver me from my foes, O God;
       be my strong tower against those who
       attack me.
Rescue me from evil-doers
       and save me from all who thirst for blood.
See how they lie in wait for me!
       the violent plot to ambush me,
       for no sin or fault of mine, O Yahweh.
Though I did no wrong, they rush to attack me.
       Rise up to help me; see my plight!
O Yahweh, God of Hosts, God of Israel,
       rise up to punish all the nations;
       show no mercy to wicked traitors.
They come at nightfall, snarling like dogs,
       prowling the city.
See what they mouth, spew swords from their lips,
       and say, "Who can hear us?"
But, O Yahweh, you laugh at them,
       you scoff at all nations.
I keep watch for you, my strength,
       you are my strong tower, O God.
The God who loves me faithfully
       will go on before me
       and let me gloat over the foes who beset me.
Do not destroy them, O Lord our shield,
       lest my people forget;
       in your might make them scatter
       and bring them to ruin.
For the sins of their mouths and the words of
       their lips,
       make them trapped in their pride,
       for their curses and lies.
Consume them in anger, consume them to the end.
       Then the whole earth will know
       that God rules in Jacob.
They come back at nightfall,
       snarling like dogs,
       and prowling the city.
They scavenge for food
       and howl if unsatisfied.
But I will sing of your strength,
       of your love in the morning;
for you are my strong tower,
       my refuge in trouble.
O my Strength, I sing praise to you;
       you, O God, are my strong tower;
       faithful in love for me.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))