Salm 58
An labhair sibhs', a choitheanail, an fhìrinn cheart neo-chlaon? 'S an tabhair sibh gu cothromach breith cheart, a chlann nan daoin'? Is ann ur crìdh' tha sibh a' dealbh' mòr aingidheachd gun tàmh; 'S air talamh tha sibh tomhas fòs, foireigin chruaidh ur làmh. Luchd-uilc, o thig iad as a' bhroinn, siùbhlaidh air slighe fhiair; Tràth bheirear iad, air seachran thèid, a' labhairt bhreug gach ial. An nimh mar nimh na nathrach tha; mar nathair dhruid a cluas; Ri guth nan draoidh tha eagnaidh seòlt', nach èisd, is fòs nach gluais. Am fiaclan bris, a Dhè, nam beul; a Thighearn làidir thrèin, Pronn fiaclan agus tuisg ro-mhòr nan leòmhann òg' gu lèir. Gun leaghadh iad, a' sileadh sìos, mar uisge ruith le gleann; 'S a shaighdean bris, tràth chuireas e a bhogh' air lagh gu teann. Mar sheilcheig bhios a' leaghadh as, rachadh iad as gu dian; Mar thoraicheas an-abaich mnà na faiceadh iad a' ghrian. Mum mothaich, seadh, ur coireachan o choille chrionaich teas, Nì Dia, 's iad beò, na chorraich ghèir le cuairt-ghaoith dhian an sgrios. Bidh aoibhneas air an fhìrean chòir, nuair chì e n' dioghaltas; Is ann am fuil luchd-aingidheachd nighidh e fòs a chas. Their duine 'n sin gu bheil gun cheist deagh dhuais aig daoine còir; 'S gu bheil air talamh fòs gu beachd na bhritheamh Dia na glòir'.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 58
For the choirmaster. Tune: ‘Do not destroy’. Of David. In a quiet voice.
You rulers, do you indeed rule justly? Do you judge fairly the people of earth? No, in your hearts you devise injustice; you use your power to deal out violence. The wicked have gone astray from the womb, from the day of their birth they stray and lie. Their poison is like the venom of snakes, like the deaf adder that blocks its ears to avoid the sound of the charmers' tune, no matter how skilfully they play. O God, break their teeth in their mouths; snap these young lions' fangs, O Yahweh. Make them vanish like draining water; make them wither like trampled grass, like a slug that dissolves as it moves, or a stillborn child that never sees light. As quickly as fire of thorns heats pots, whether green or dry, may retribution sweep them away. The just will rejoice to see vengeance done, when they wash their feet in the blood of the wicked. Then all will say that the just are rewarded; there is a God who gives justice on earth.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))