Salm 57
Dèan tròcair orm, a Dhia nan gràs, dèan tròcair orm gach rè, Oir annadsa tha m'anam truagh a' cur a dhòigh gu lèir; Is gabhaidh mi fo sgàil do sgèith mo thèarmann is mo neart, Gu ruig an uair sin anns an tèid na h-uilc ud uile thart'. Eighidh mi ris an Dia as àird'; ri Dia tha làidir treun, A chuireas leam gach cùis gu crìch, mar chì e ormsa feum. Cuiridh e neart o nèamh, dom dhìon o bheum an fhir lem b'àill Mo shlugadh; cuiridh Dia a-mach fhìrinn 's a ghràs gun dàil. Tha m'anam bochd an còmhnaidh fòs am buillsgean leòmhann garg', Am measg na dream am laigh' a tàim air lasadh tha le feirg; Daoine, ga bheil am fiaclan fòs mar shleagh 's mar shaighdean geur; Mar chlaidheamh guineach, 's amhlaidh sin an teanga-san gu lèir. Os cionn nan nèamh, Dhia, tog thu fhèin; os cionn gach tìr do ghlòir. Airson mo cheuman ghleus iad lìon, chrom m'anam sìos gu làr; Sloc romham chladhaich iad, is thuit iad fhèin san t-sloc a rinn. 'S gleusda mo chridhe, 's gleusd', a Dhè, dhut canam moladh binn. Mosgail, mo ghlòir, 's a shaltair fòs, a chlàrsach, dùisg an àird; Air madainn mosglam fhèin gu moch, is seinneam ceòl gu h-àrd. Dhia, measg a' phobaill, molam thu; dhut seinneam measg an t-sluaigh; Oir d'fhìrinn is do thròcair mhòr, gu nèamh nan neul chaidh suas. Ardaichear thus', a Dhia nam feart, os cionn àrd-nèamh nan speur; Is togar suas do ghlòir gu h-àrd, os cionn gach tìr gu lèir.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 57
For the choirmaster. Tune: ‘Do not destroy’. Of David. In a quiet voice. When he escaped from Saul in the cave.
O God, be gracious to me, be gracious, for in you my soul takes refuge. I seek refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed. I call to God Most High, to God who will work his purpose in me. He sends from heaven to save me, repulses those who harry me; May God send his love, faithful and sure. I lie in the midst of man-eating lions with spears and arrows for teeth, and sharp swords for tongues. Be exalted above the heavens, O God, your glory above all the earth! They spread a net for my feet, I was bowed down with care. They dug a pit in my path but fell into it themselves. My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing and make music for you. Wake up, my soul! Wake up, lyre and harp, that I may awake the dawn! I will praise you among the peoples, O Yahweh, and play music to you among the nations, for your faithful love is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches the sky. Be exalted above the sky, O God, your glory above all the earth!
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))