Psalm 54


Salm 54

Tred ainm-sa teasairg mise, Dhè,
  cùm cothrom rium led neart.
Eisd m'ùrnaigh, thoir fa-near, a Dhè,
  briathran mo bhèil gu ceart.

Oir dh'èirich coigrich riumsa suas,
  luchd-fòirneirt tha gu dian
An tòir air m'anam; 's cha do chuir
  iad Dia fan comhair riamh.

Ach feuch, 's e Dia m'fhear-cuideachaidh,
  gum sheasamh anns gach cruas;
Bithidh Iehòbhah leis an dream
  a chumas m'anam suas.

Aimhleas dom naimhdean dìolaidh Dia;
  ad fhìrinn dèan an sgath.
Gu toileach bheir mi ìobairt dhut;
  Dhè, molam d'ainm, tha math.

Oir rinn e saors' is fuasgladh dhomh
  om uile theinn gu treun;
Ionnas gum faca mi mo mhiann
  air m'eascairdean gu lèir.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 54

For the choirmaster. On stringed instruments. Poem. Of David. When the Ziphites went to Saul and said, ‘Is not David hiding with us?’

Save me, O God, by your name;
       set me free by your might.
Listen, O God, to my prayer;
       hear me as I speak to you.
The violent are attacking me;
       pitiless people seek my life.
       They give no thought to God.
Surely, my defence is God:
       Yahweh, mainstay of my life.
May those who wait to ambush me
       see their own evil strike them down.
I will freely sacrifice
to praise you, O Yahweh,
       as is right.
For he has saved me from all troubles.
       I watch with delight as my enemies fall.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))