Psalm 47


Salm 47

Buailibh ur basan, uile shlòigh,
  tha chòmhnaidh anns gach àit;
Le guth 's le gàirdeachas do Dhia,
  suas togaibh iolach àrd;

Oir Dia ro-àrd is uamhann e;
  Rìgh mòr os cionn gach tìr'.
Am poball cuiridh e for smachd,
  for cois na slòigh gu lèir.

Mòrachd Iàcoib don tug e gràdh,
  mar oighreachd dhuinne thagh;
Chaidh Dia le caithreim àrd a-suas,
  le trompaid 's fuaimneach bladh.

Seinnibh do Dhia, seinn moladh; seinn
  dar Rìgh, seinn moladh binn;
Oir 's Rìgh Dia mòr os cionn gach tìr',
  seinn dha gu h-eòlach grinn.

Tha Dia na shuidh' na chathair naoimh;
  's e 's Rìgh air cinnich ann.
Prionnsan nan sluagh do chruinnich iad,
  poball Dhè Abrahaim;

Airson gur le Iehòbhah mhàin
  sgiath dhìdein do gach tìr;
'S e fhèin as àird' 's as urramaich,
  's dha dlighear moladh sìor.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 47

For the choirmaster. Of the sons of Korah. Psalm.

Clap your hands, all nations;
       shout to God with songs of joy.
How awesome is Yahweh Most High,
       the great King of all the earth!
He subdued nations under us,
       put peoples under our feet.
He chose our birthright for us,
       the pride of Jacob whom he loves.
God has gone up with a shout of triumph,
       Yahweh amid the trumpet sounds.
Sing praise to God, sing praises!
       Sing praise to our King, sing praises!
For God is king of all the earth;
       sing praises with a song!
God reigns over the nations,
       seated on his holy throne.
The nations' nobles gather
       as people of the God of Abraham,
for the mighty of earth belong to God,
       and he is exalted on high!

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))