Psalm 40


Salm 40

Dh'fheith mi le foighid mhaith ri Dia,
  chrom thugam, dh'èisd mo ghuth:
Is thug e à sloc uamhainn mi,
  à clàbar criadha tiugh:

Air carraig chòmhnaird chuir mo chos;
  mo cheuman shocraich e;
Is òran nuadh chuir e am bheul,
  gum b'e siud moladh Dhè.

Chì mòran e, 's fo eagal bi 'd,
  is earbaidh iad à Dia.
'S beannaicht' an duine sin gu dearbh
  nì dòchas as an Triath,

Is nach gabh tlachd no toil air bith
  do luchd an àrdain mhòir,
No fòs don dream a thèid a thaobh
  gu ceilg, le saobhadh glòir'.

Is lìonmhor d'oibrean iongantach,
  a Thighearn is a Dhè,
'S do smuaintean oirnn: chan àirmhear iad
  an òrdagh dhut gu rèidh:

Nan cuirinn iad an cèill gu mìn,
  no fòs nan innsinn iad,
An àireamh rachadh thar mo neart,
  aig lìonmhorachd is meud.

Ofrail no ìobairt leat cha mhiann,
  dh'fhosgail thu fhèin mo chluas:
Lochd-ìobairt agus ìobairt-loisgt'
  cha d'iarr thu dhut chur suas.

An sin do labhair mise, feuch,
  a-nis a ta mi teachd:
An ròl' an leabhair ormsa fòs
  siud sgrìobhte tha gu beachd.

'S e siud mo thlachd 's mo mhiann, a Dhè,
  do thoil gun dèante leam:
Do reachd gu dearbh a tha gu buan
  am chridhe staigh, 's am chom.

Air d'fhìreantachd sa choinneimh mhòir,
  a Dhè, rinn mise sgeul:
Oir feuch, a Dhè, mar 's aithne dhut,
  nìor chaisg mi fhèin mo bheul.

Am chridhe d'fhìreantachd nìor cheil;
  ach d'fhìrinn chuir mi 'n cèill:
Do shlàint', 's do choibhneas gràdhach caomh
  on t-sluagh nìor cheil mi fhèin.

Do thròcair chaomh na cùm-sa uam,
  a Thighearna gu bràth;
Do choibhneas gràdhach, d'fhìrinn fòs
  gleidheadh iad mi a-ghnàth.

Oir is do-àireamh iad na h-uilc
  tha 'g iadhadh orm mun cuairt:
Do ghlac mo pheacaidh mi cho teann
  's nach faod mi sealltainn suas:

O 's lìonmhoir' iad na falt mo chinn,
  is thrèig mo chridhe mi.
Dhia, guma toil leat furtachd orm,
  grad-chuidich leam, a Dhè.

Biodh nàir' is amhluadh dhaibh faraon
  dom anam dh'iarras claoidh:
Ruaig orr' air ais, is rudhadh gruaidh,
  lem b'àill mo chur gu dìth.

Gun àird, gun àiteach gu robh iad,
  mar thuarasdal dan nàir',
A thubhairt rium gu fanaideach,
  Ahà, ahà, le gàir.

Aoibhneas is aighear do gach neach,
  gad iarraidh fhèin a tha:
Is abradh iad len toigh do shlàint'
  Dia guma mòr a-ghnàth.

Ach mis', ged tha mi ainnis bochd,
  smaoinichidh orm an Triath:
M'fhear-cobhair thu 's mo Shlànaighear:
  moille na dèan, a Dhia.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 40

For the choirmaster. Of David. Psalm.

I waited patiently for Yahweh;
       he turned to me and heard my prayer.
He pulled me out of the seething pit,
       from the mud and mire,
       and set my feet on rock,
       to make my steps secure.
He gave my mouth a new song,
       a song of praise to our God.
       Many will see with awe
       and put their trust in God.
Blessed are those who trust in Yahweh,
who do not turn to the proud,
       to them that trust strange gods.
How much you have done, O Yahweh my God,
in wonderful deeds and plans for us;
       none can compare with you!
If I tried to speak and tell of them,
       there would be too many to say.
You want no sacrifice or offering,
       but you gave me a willing ear;
you did not look for whole burnt offerings
       or sacrifice for sin.
Then I said, "Here I am, I have come;
       my record is in the book;
I want to do your will, O my God;
       your law is in my heart."
I proclaim the righteous news
       in the thronged assembly,
I do not close my lips,
       as you know, O Yahweh.
I do not keep your righteousness
       locked away in my heart;
I declare your faithful salvation,
I tell of your faithful love and truth,
       in the thronged assembly.
O Yahweh, do not withold
       your mercy from me;
may your faithful love and truth
       always protect me;
for numberless troubles surround me,
my sins have overtaken me,
       and I cannot see my way.
They are more than the hairs on my head,
       an my courage fails me.
Be pleased, O Yahweh, to save me;
       O Yahweh, come quickly and help me.
Put to shame and confusion
       all who seek my life;
repulse them in disgrace
       who try to do me hurt.
Let those who shout "Aha!" at me
       be aghast with shame.
But let all those who seek you
       rejoice and be glad in you;
let them cry out eternally,
who love your salvation,
       "Exaltation to Yahweh!"
But I am poor and in need,
       may Yahweh think of me.
You are my helper, my saviour,
       O my God, do not delay.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))