Psalm 28


Salm 28

A Dhia, mo charraig, èigheam riut,
  ad thosd na bi-sa uam:
Eagal, led thosd, gur cosmhail mi
  ri dream thèid sìos don uaigh.

Guth m'athchuinge, trath èigheam riut,
  èisd thus' an sin, a Dhè:
Nuair thogas mi mo làmhan suas
  gud theampall naomha fhèin.

Le luchd an uilc 's na h-eucorach,
  na tarraing mi gu bràth;
Rin coimhearsnaich a labhras sìth,
  ach olc nan cridhe tha.

A rèir an oibrean, tabhair dhaibh,
  a rèir an rùin chum lochd:
Is dìol-sa riu droch ghnìomh an làmh,
  amhlaidh mar thoill iad ort.

Do bhrìgh nach tuig iad oibrean Dhè,
  no gnìomh a làmhan fòs,
Do nì e milleadh orr' is claoidh,
  's cha dèan an togail suas.

Airson guth m'athchuinge gun d'èisd,
  mòr-bheannaicht' gu robh Dia.
Do chuir mo chrìdh' a dhòchas ann;
  's e Dia mo neart 's mo sgiath.

Tha mi a' faghail cuideach' uaith',
  mar sin le aoibhneas ait
Mo chridhe tha; 's lem òran binn
  sìor mholam e gu pailt.

'S e Dia as neart 's as treise dhaibh,
  oir tha e fhèin gu deas
Na neart, 's na spionnadh slàinte dlùth
  don tì a dh'ungadh leis.

Dhia, furtaich air do phoball caomh,
  is beannaich d'oighreachd fhèin:
Dhaibh tabhair beath', is teachd-an-tìr;
  tog iad am feasd, a Dhè.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 28

Of David.

O Yahweh, my rock, I call to you,
       do not refuse to listen to me,
for if you do not reply to me,
       I will be like those who go down to the grave.
Hear the sound of my prayer
       as I call to you for help,
as I raise up my hands
       towards your Most Holy Place.
Do not take me away with the wicked,
       with those who do evil,
who speak peace to their neighbours
       with malice in their hearts.
Repay them for what they have done
       and for their evil work;
repay them for their handiwork
       and give them what they deserve.
They show no respect for Yahweh's works
       or what his hands have done;
so he will tear them down
       and never rebuild them.
Praise be to Yahweh,
       for he has heard the sound of my prayer.
Yahweh is my strength and shield;
       my heart trusts him and I find help.
With joyful heart
       I sing thanks to him.
Yahweh is his people's strength,
       a saving fortress for his anointed.
Save your people and bless your inheritance,
       be their shepherd and bear them forever.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))