Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Beannaich

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


Again not always the best idea to take what is described in the link as perfect, perhaps some things get altered by the scanning of documents.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Nigh

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


I actually didn’t do a daily verb yesterday but this is the one I would have done if I wasn’t washing the paving stones with a power washer.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Feall

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


This verb can be used in the sense of “to deceive” or “to betray”. So when personified as feallair it means “traitor”. Also interestingly this is the name in Gaelic for Water Hemlock. Dwelly’s has a nice illustration of the plant and supplies us with the scientific name as well, Cicuta virosa, just for added clarity. These are helpful as it is a highly poisonous plant and can be easily confused for other edible species that are found in the same family of plants such as wild carrot.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Deachd

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


Another word for “teach” I wasn’t aware of before but it’s main use is as “dictate”.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Bruadair

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


I had some pretty weird dreams last night which made me think this would be a good verb for today.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Cluich

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


Today I’m going up to London for a gig! The tickets to see Roxanne de Bastion were a birthday present from my sister and her husband, so Happy Birthday to Me! And thank you!

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Ionnsaich

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


Well I’ve been learning a lot recently. So this one seemed apt for today. Enjoy your Friday everyone!

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Innis

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


I’ll “tell” you what my verb for the day is today – innis.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Drùis

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


Just to prove that Gaelic covers the whole gamut of human existence I include this verb today.

Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Itealaich

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


Finally a rather straightforward one. I saw a Red Kite flying overhead this morning so I thought I would go for the verb for flying.

Funnily enough there is a closely related verb which is for “fly-fishing”: itich.